Envie de parler avec les autres membres de la communauté ? Alors venez vous connecter, vous vous sentirez moins seul !
Envie de parler avec les autres membres de la communauté ? Alors venez vous connecter, vous vous sentirez moins seul !
Guide rapide concernant l'inscription sur le site officiel du jeu. Créez ainsi votre compte joueur qui permet d'être authentifié sur les serveurs de jeu de la 4.2 !
Statistiques globales et en temps réel de la totalité des serveurs d'Urban Terror. Suivez l'évolution du nombre de joueurs sur Urban Terror !
Rejoignez-nous sur le discord Urban Terror France !
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Ce joueur a décidé de partager son fichier de configuration (.cfg) Urban Terror avec l'ensemble de la communauté. N'oubliez pas que vous aussi vous pouvez sauvegarder votre fichier de configuration pour ne jamais le perdre puis le partager avec les membres de la communauté si cela vous chante...
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //================================================== Last Updated: 29.11.2013 ==// // FILE INFORMATION // //==============================================================================// // // // Author: FS|Biddle // // // // Filename: biddle.cfg // // // // Thanks to: Fenix, Nitro, Crimzon, Rogor & Skaz // // // // Email: biddle@urban-zone.org // // // // Profile: www.urbanterror.info/members/profile/biddle/ // // // //==============================================================================// // GENERAL INFORMATION // //==============================================================================// // // // *This file does NOT define all the cvars set in a q3config file. // // // // *Note that everything behind double slashes is ignored by the game. // // // // *Before execing this file, please back up your q3config. // // // // *Contact the author for any questions about this file. // // // //==============================================================================// // Drag it in your q3ut4 and type this in your console --> /exec biddle.cfg // //==============================================================================// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # _____Sexy?Sex # ____?Sexy?Sexy # ___y?Sexy?Sexy? # ___?Sexy?Sexy?S # ___?Sexy?Sexy?S # __?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Se # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sex° # _?Sexy?__?Sexy?Sexy?Sex # ___?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy? # ___?Sex_____?Sexy?Sexy # ___?Sex_____?Sexy?Sexy # ____?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy # _____?Se____?Sexy?Sex # ______?Se__?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sex # ________?Sexy?Sexy?sex # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?S # ________?Sexy?Sexy____?Sexy?Sexy?se # _________?Sexy?Se_______?Sexy?Sexy? # _________?Sexy?Se_____?Sexy?Sexy? # _________?Sexy?S____?Sexy?Sexy # _________?Sexy?S_?Sexy?Sexy # ________?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # ________?Sexy?Sexy?S # ________?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Se # _______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy # ______?Sexy # _______?Sex # _______?Sex # _______?Sex # ______?Sexy # ______?Sexy # _______Sexy # _______ Sexy? # ________SexY //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Weapon-Toogle //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind 1 "ut_weaptoggle knife" bind 2 "ut_weaptoggle grenade" bind MOUSE1 "+attack;-button6" bind MOUSE2 "ut_zoomin" bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev" bind MWHEELUP "weapnext" bind v "ut_itemuse nvg" bind b "ut_itemuse laser" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drops //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind g "ut_itemdrop Medkit;say_team ^8Med ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind t "ut_itemdrop flag;say_team ^8Flag ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind f "ut_itemdrop kevlar" bind MOUSE3 "ut_weapdrop" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Crosshair //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta cg_scopesr8 "1" seta cg_scopeg36 "0" seta cg_scopePSG "1" seta cg_scopefriendrgb "1 0 1 1" seta cg_scopeRGB "0 0 0 1" seta cg_crosshairfriendrgb "0 1 1 1" seta cg_crosshairrgb "0 1 0 1" seta cg_crosshairsize "20" seta cg_drawcrosshair "8" seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" seta cg_crosshairnamestype "3" seta cg_crosshairnamessize "0.350000" seta cg_drawteamoverlay "2" seta cg_drawteamoverlayscores "0" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chat //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind KP_PGDN "ut_radio 9 4;say_team Sorry ^6[$health] ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind KP_DOWNARROW "ut_radio 5 1" ^4Ennemy ^0@^5[^6$crosshair^5] bind f5 "ut_radio 3 3 ^1I need my hornyy nurse ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind F6 "ut_radio 5 1" ^4Ennemy ^0@^5[^6$crosshair^5] bind j "ut_radio lol;say I'm @ ^5[^2$location^5]" bind i "ui_radio" bind UPARROW "say_team ^6MIDDLE ^5/^5/ ^6IN FRONT!" bind DOWNARROW "say_team ^6BACK BEHIND! ^5/^5/ ^6$location" bind LEFTARROW "say_team ^6LEFT ^5/^5/ ^6<<<<<<<" bind RIGHTARROW "say_team ^6RIGHT ^5/^5/ ^6>>>>>>>" bind y "messagemode" bind u "messagemode2" bind ~ "toggleconsole" seta cg_noVoiceText "0" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Movement //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind a "+moveleft" bind c "+movedown" bind d "+moveright" bind e "+button8" bind s "+back" bind w "+forward" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind CTRL "+button7" bind SHIFT "+speed" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mouse Settings //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set sensitivity "1.1" set cl_mouseAccel "0.03" seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5" seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0" seta in_mouse "-1" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Appearence //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set funblue "gasmask,ponybl,bartsbl" set funred "ninja,ponyrd,diablo" seta cg_rgb "314 159 265" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscelaneous //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta cg_hitsound "1" seta cg_killsound "1" seta cg_drawKillLog "2" seta cg_fov "110" seta cg_mapsize "150" seta r_customheight "768" seta r_customwidth "1366" set cl_master "master.urbanterror.info" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FPS greedy //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta com_maxfps "69" seta com_blood "1" seta com_processpriority "2" seta cg_drawMapLocation "0" seta cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts "0" seta cg_sfxParticles "0" seta cg_sfxShowDamage "0" seta cg_visibleBleeding "0" seta cg_predictitems "0" seta cg_sfxbrasstime "0" seta cg_gunsize "1" seta cg_runpitch "0.000" seta cg_runroll "0.000" seta cg_bobup "0.000" seta cg_bobpitch "0.000" seta cg_bobroll "0.000" seta cg_brassTime "0" seta cg_marks "0" seta cg_markTotaltime "0" seta cg_maxFragments "0" seta cg_shadows "0" seta cg_lagometer "0" seta r_roundImagesDown "2" seta r_simpleMipMaps "0" seta r_drawSun "0" seta r_fastsky "1" seta r_finish "0" seta r_inGameVideo "0" seta r_facePlaneCull "1" seta r_picmip "2" seta r_texturebits "16" seta r_colorbits "16" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "0" seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" seta r_dynamiclight "0" seta r_flares "0" seta r_stencilbits "0" seta r_lodbias "2" seta r_lodCurveError "125" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scripts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic Zoom set azoomon "bind mouse2 vstr azoom; set azoomtoggle vstr azoomoff; ut_echo ^5azoomon^7" set azoomoff "bind mouse2 ut_zoomin; set azoomtoggle vstr azoomon; ut_echo ^5azoomoff^7" set azoomtoggle "vstr azoomoff" set azoomin "cg_fov 90; set azoom vstr azoomout" set azoomout "cg_fov 110; set azoom vstr azoomin" set azoom "vstr azoomin" bind 9 "vstr azoomtoggle" # Name Switch set chooseNick1 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^2'&so^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick2"; set setNick "set name ^7Biddle^0'^2&so" set chooseNick2 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^5GROM^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick3"; set setNick "set name ^5GROM^7*^5Biddle`" set chooseNick3 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1Coco^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick4"; set setNick "set name ^7Ninja^0|^1Coconut" set chooseNick4 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^5FS|^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick5"; set setNick "set name ^5FS^3|^5Biddle^3`" set chooseNick5 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1UZL^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick6"; set setNick "set name ^1UZ^0|^7Biddle^0`" set chooseNick6 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^4Bidy^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick7"; set setNick "set name ^4Bi^1dy^0`" set chooseNick7 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1Ninj^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^7Ninja^0|^1Biddle" set chooseNick8 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^3CMM|^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^3CMM^0|^3Biddle" set chooseNick9 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^0Tima^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^0Ti^1m^0a^1r^0isu" set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1" set setNick "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^7Choose a nick first!"" bind l "vstr chooseNick" // Pick a nick bind k "vstr setNick" // Set nick //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXEC CONFIRMATION //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "^3LETS GO^1!" wait "100" play "sound\ctf\capture-blue.wav" wait "100" echo "^0biddle.cfg [loaded]" wait "200" play "sound\ctf\capture-red.wav"
Retrouvez ici la liste des derniers évènements auxquels Biddle a participé au sein de la communauté :
LAN 2014 | 26 avril 2014 | R Voir |
Pickup 23 | 10 janvier 2014 | R Voir |
Pickup 22 | 20 décembre 2013 | R Voir |
Pickup 21 | 08 novembre 2013 | R Voir |
Pickup 20 | 11 octobre 2013 | R Voir |
None »
Carte actuelle : None
None / None joueurs connectés
Dernière mise à jour : il y a 4 ans, 8 mois