////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //================================================== Last Updated: 29.11.2013 ==// // FILE INFORMATION // //==============================================================================// // // // Author: FS|Biddle // // // // Filename: biddle.cfg // // // // Thanks to: Fenix, Nitro, Crimzon, Rogor & Skaz // // // // Email: biddle@urban-zone.org // // // // Profile: www.urbanterror.info/members/profile/biddle/ // // // //==============================================================================// // GENERAL INFORMATION // //==============================================================================// // // // *This file does NOT define all the cvars set in a q3config file. // // // // *Note that everything behind double slashes is ignored by the game. // // // // *Before execing this file, please back up your q3config. // // // // *Contact the author for any questions about this file. // // // //==============================================================================// // Drag it in your q3ut4 and type this in your console --> /exec biddle.cfg // //==============================================================================// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # _____Sexy?Sex # ____?Sexy?Sexy # ___y?Sexy?Sexy? # ___?Sexy?Sexy?S # ___?Sexy?Sexy?S # __?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Se # ?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sex° # _?Sexy?__?Sexy?Sexy?Sex # ___?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy? # ___?Sex_____?Sexy?Sexy # ___?Sex_____?Sexy?Sexy # ____?Sex____?Sexy?Sexy # _____?Se____?Sexy?Sex # ______?Se__?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sex # ________?Sexy?Sexy?sex # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Se # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy? # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy?S # ________?Sexy?Sexy____?Sexy?Sexy?se # _________?Sexy?Se_______?Sexy?Sexy? # _________?Sexy?Se_____?Sexy?Sexy? # _________?Sexy?S____?Sexy?Sexy # _________?Sexy?S_?Sexy?Sexy # ________?Sexy?Sexy?Sexy # ________?Sexy?Sexy?S # ________?Sexy?Sexy # _______?Sexy?Se # _______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy? # ______?Sexy # ______?Sexy # _______?Sex # _______?Sex # _______?Sex # ______?Sexy # ______?Sexy # _______Sexy # _______ Sexy? # ________SexY //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Weapon-Toogle //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind 1 "ut_weaptoggle knife" bind 2 "ut_weaptoggle grenade" bind MOUSE1 "+attack;-button6" bind MOUSE2 "ut_zoomin" bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev" bind MWHEELUP "weapnext" bind v "ut_itemuse nvg" bind b "ut_itemuse laser" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drops //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind g "ut_itemdrop Medkit;say_team ^8Med ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind t "ut_itemdrop flag;say_team ^8Flag ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind f "ut_itemdrop kevlar" bind MOUSE3 "ut_weapdrop" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Crosshair //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta cg_scopesr8 "1" seta cg_scopeg36 "0" seta cg_scopePSG "1" seta cg_scopefriendrgb "1 0 1 1" seta cg_scopeRGB "0 0 0 1" seta cg_crosshairfriendrgb "0 1 1 1" seta cg_crosshairrgb "0 1 0 1" seta cg_crosshairsize "20" seta cg_drawcrosshair "8" seta cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" seta cg_crosshairnamestype "3" seta cg_crosshairnamessize "0.350000" seta cg_drawteamoverlay "2" seta cg_drawteamoverlayscores "0" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chat //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind KP_PGDN "ut_radio 9 4;say_team Sorry ^6[$health] ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind KP_DOWNARROW "ut_radio 5 1" ^4Ennemy ^0@^5[^6$crosshair^5] bind f5 "ut_radio 3 3 ^1I need my hornyy nurse ^0@^5[^6$location^5]" bind F6 "ut_radio 5 1" ^4Ennemy ^0@^5[^6$crosshair^5] bind j "ut_radio lol;say I'm @ ^5[^2$location^5]" bind i "ui_radio" bind UPARROW "say_team ^6MIDDLE ^5/^5/ ^6IN FRONT!" bind DOWNARROW "say_team ^6BACK BEHIND! ^5/^5/ ^6$location" bind LEFTARROW "say_team ^6LEFT ^5/^5/ ^6<<<<<<<" bind RIGHTARROW "say_team ^6RIGHT ^5/^5/ ^6>>>>>>>" bind y "messagemode" bind u "messagemode2" bind ~ "toggleconsole" seta cg_noVoiceText "0" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Movement //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bind a "+moveleft" bind c "+movedown" bind d "+moveright" bind e "+button8" bind s "+back" bind w "+forward" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind CTRL "+button7" bind SHIFT "+speed" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mouse Settings //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set sensitivity "1.1" set cl_mouseAccel "0.03" seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5" seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0" seta in_mouse "-1" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Appearence //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set funblue "gasmask,ponybl,bartsbl" set funred "ninja,ponyrd,diablo" seta cg_rgb "314 159 265" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscelaneous //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta cg_hitsound "1" seta cg_killsound "1" seta cg_drawKillLog "2" seta cg_fov "110" seta cg_mapsize "150" seta r_customheight "768" seta r_customwidth "1366" set cl_master "master.urbanterror.info" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FPS greedy //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seta com_maxfps "69" seta com_blood "1" seta com_processpriority "2" seta cg_drawMapLocation "0" seta cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts "0" seta cg_sfxParticles "0" seta cg_sfxShowDamage "0" seta cg_visibleBleeding "0" seta cg_predictitems "0" seta cg_sfxbrasstime "0" seta cg_gunsize "1" seta cg_runpitch "0.000" seta cg_runroll "0.000" seta cg_bobup "0.000" seta cg_bobpitch "0.000" seta cg_bobroll "0.000" seta cg_brassTime "0" seta cg_marks "0" seta cg_markTotaltime "0" seta cg_maxFragments "0" seta cg_shadows "0" seta cg_lagometer "0" seta r_roundImagesDown "2" seta r_simpleMipMaps "0" seta r_drawSun "0" seta r_fastsky "1" seta r_finish "0" seta r_inGameVideo "0" seta r_facePlaneCull "1" seta r_picmip "2" seta r_texturebits "16" seta r_colorbits "16" seta r_detailtextures "0" seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "0" seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" seta r_dynamiclight "0" seta r_flares "0" seta r_stencilbits "0" seta r_lodbias "2" seta r_lodCurveError "125" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scripts //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic Zoom set azoomon "bind mouse2 vstr azoom; set azoomtoggle vstr azoomoff; ut_echo ^5azoomon^7" set azoomoff "bind mouse2 ut_zoomin; set azoomtoggle vstr azoomon; ut_echo ^5azoomoff^7" set azoomtoggle "vstr azoomoff" set azoomin "cg_fov 90; set azoom vstr azoomout" set azoomout "cg_fov 110; set azoom vstr azoomin" set azoom "vstr azoomin" bind 9 "vstr azoomtoggle" # Name Switch set chooseNick1 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^2'&so^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick2"; set setNick "set name ^7Biddle^0'^2&so" set chooseNick2 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^5GROM^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick3"; set setNick "set name ^5GROM^7*^5Biddle`" set chooseNick3 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1Coco^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick4"; set setNick "set name ^7Ninja^0|^1Coconut" set chooseNick4 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^5FS|^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick5"; set setNick "set name ^5FS^3|^5Biddle^3`" set chooseNick5 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1UZL^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick6"; set setNick "set name ^1UZ^0|^7Biddle^0`" set chooseNick6 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^4Bidy^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick7"; set setNick "set name ^4Bi^1dy^0`" set chooseNick7 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^1Ninj^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^7Ninja^0|^1Biddle" set chooseNick8 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^3CMM|^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^3CMM^0|^3Biddle" set chooseNick9 "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^4[^0Tima^4]"; set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"; set setNick "set name ^0Ti^1m^0a^1r^0isu" set chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1" set setNick "ut_echo "^7>^4Nick: ^7Choose a nick first!"" bind l "vstr chooseNick" // Pick a nick bind k "vstr setNick" // Set nick //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXEC CONFIRMATION //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "^3LETS GO^1!" wait "100" play "sound\ctf\capture-blue.wav" wait "100" echo "^0biddle.cfg [loaded]" wait "200" play "sound\ctf\capture-red.wav"