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Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 01 févr. 2016, 13:18
par Zenity_
KuBuS a écrit :Looks good, Zenity. I like Wall running but thus far kind of doubt it fits with the UrT gameplay (where part of the fun/skill/challenge is that even during the crazy moves the game allows you still get a chance to get hits/kills, where wall running seems to be putting the wall-runner at risk a little too much), but I only wish to be proven wrong.

On another note: Matchmaking will be a part of the game, right? :)
Wall running is only slightly different from simply sliding against a wall, so it is very intuitive and of course you can be lethal while doing it. :) A follow up video will show a little better how this works. I may be biased, but from the last internal playtest I would say that the movement is near perfect now, incredibly smooth and satisfying. The upcoming video will show a few of the tweaks made, but ultimately you have to experience it for yourself of course to judge it properly (and we are working hard on making sure that it won't be too long until you can do so :)).

Yes to matchmaking, but this will be an ongoing process that we'll have to take step by step. The larger the player base, the more sophisticated the match making can become. For the first public releases (pre-Steam) we will certainly just stick with a simple server browser. The next step would be a "quick play" function that chooses a suitable server for you, and then we go from there.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 01 févr. 2016, 20:56
par KuBuS
Zenity_ a écrit : Yes to matchmaking, but this will be an ongoing process that we'll have to take step by step. The larger the player base, the more sophisticated the match making can become. For the first public releases (pre-Steam) we will certainly just stick with a simple server browser. The next step would be a "quick play" function that chooses a suitable server for you, and then we go from there.
Bottom line: No match making till 2022.
Just kidding (almost), I appreciate the effort.
But it is "funny", despite the radically different gameplay, matchmaking can be a deal-breaker between two FPSes.
I try to launch UrT once in a while but maaaaan is it annoying to get on a server only to play 3v4 CTF which makes absolutely no sense.
So despite the gameplay, which I enjoy much more than CS, I just quit the game, launch CS, find an actual game in under a minute.
I know it has to do with the numbers, but still, it is a must (/me believes).

Can't wait to see the upcoming video and get more info on next-step timeline.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 01 févr. 2016, 21:57
par Zenity_
KuBuS a écrit :
Zenity_ a écrit : Yes to matchmaking, but this will be an ongoing process that we'll have to take step by step. The larger the player base, the more sophisticated the match making can become. For the first public releases (pre-Steam) we will certainly just stick with a simple server browser. The next step would be a "quick play" function that chooses a suitable server for you, and then we go from there.
Bottom line: No match making till 2022.
Just kidding (almost), I appreciate the effort.
But it is "funny", despite the radically different gameplay, matchmaking can be a deal-breaker between two FPSes.
I try to launch UrT once in a while but maaaaan is it annoying to get on a server only to play 3v4 CTF which makes absolutely no sense.
So despite the gameplay, which I enjoy much more than CS, I just quit the game, launch CS, find an actual game in under a minute.
I know it has to do with the numbers, but still, it is a must (/me believes).

Can't wait to see the upcoming video and get more info on next-step timeline.
Well yeah, it helps that CS has more than half a million people playing at any given time. That's roughly a thousand times that of Urban Terror even at its best. Those numbers are astronomic. :)

I completely agree though, getting into a reasonable game with the least amount of friction is absolutely vital. That's why I say start with a quick play function and just get games going as smoothly as possible. More advanced match making and competitive games can come later when the user base is large enough to make it feasible.

I have posted the video update now (it's just a small update):

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 02 févr. 2016, 21:43
par smve
Could we know who is trying the jump into the HD ? I guess there is few QA member who can try it isnt it ? Because if its some random who don't even know how to jump, its just hilarious. Take guys like darken samchun & co to try it ;) And give me a good reason to add bhop and wall running ? (I don't try to be negative you do a good job but i just have few questions ! :p)

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 02 févr. 2016, 22:32
par LUsinG
sinon pour les francophones purs et durs y a t'il possibilité de comprendre un broc de ce que vous dites ?

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 02 févr. 2016, 22:41
par KuBuS
LUsinG a écrit :sinon pour les francophones purs et durs y a t'il possibilité de comprendre un broc de ce que vous dites ?

J'avais fait la trad' de mes premières réponses à Zenity, je le ferai peut-être à nouveau si des échanges EN ont lieu.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 03 févr. 2016, 00:06
par LUsinG
hi im paul nice to meet you!

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 03 févr. 2016, 12:31
par Zenity_
smve a écrit :Could we know who is trying the jump into the HD ? I guess there is few QA member who can try it isnt it ? Because if its some random who don't even know how to jump, its just hilarious. Take guys like darken samchun & co to try it ;) And give me a good reason to add bhop and wall running ? (I don't try to be negative you do a good job but i just have few questions ! :p)
No there is no QA, we'll do our testing completely in the open once we are ready, just how we are already doing it with 4.3. Hopefully we will have pre-alpha builds for you soon, we definitely try to get there as soon as possible. Rest assured though that most of the dev team knows quite well how to jump (even if we are not pro jumpers). It would be impossible to implement the movement mechanics without understanding them on a deeper level. I know my jumping looks pathetic in the videos but that's because I've been out of practice for many years. I've never been much of a trick jumper (more focused on shooting), but I love jumping nevertheless. It's the primary reason why I keep coming back to Urban Terror, so I'm not going to neglect it.

Why wall running?

First of all it makes perfect sense. Parkour is our inspiration for advanced movements, and wall running is very typical for Parkour. Note that our wall running is based on gravity and inertia just like in real life. We are not talking about jetpack-powered walking on walls like in Titanfall or Black Ops 3.

Second, it's simply fun. It adds an intuitive way to navigate the environment, it looks and feels stylish, it doesn't require learning or pressing an extra key, etc. Good movement is all about "the feel" so it can't always be easily explained in words, but you will find out when you try it yourself.

Why bunny hopping?

This one has many facets, but in a nutshell it is to make movement a little bit less linear. UrT is odd in that its base movement speed is very slow, but you can accelerate in a straight line to very fast speeds. Bunny hopping is just a way to add a bit of air control and at the same time we add another fun and skill based old school element to the movement. With the stamina drain and speed limitation it doesn't go too crazy, but in infinite stamina modes it can make a big difference for maintaining your momentum.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 03 févr. 2016, 13:53
par smve
Thanks for your anwser ! We'll try it when we can ! Keep the good work you and FS team. You are only doing the jump mouvement or something else into FS ?

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 04 févr. 2016, 00:12
par Zenity_
smve a écrit :Thanks for your anwser ! We'll try it when we can ! Keep the good work you and FS team. You are only doing the jump mouvement or something else into FS ?
I'll work on HD as much as I can. :) My focus are core mechanics, game mode design, and accessibility / user experience.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 04 févr. 2016, 10:43
par Basara
Le début de la fin

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 04 févr. 2016, 14:02
par Zenity_
Le début de la fin de la misère.

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 04 févr. 2016, 17:55
par smve
Basara a écrit :Le début de la fin
Explique toi, c'est facile de balancer ça comme ça, soit constructif ! Et aussi FS n'a pas été au top dernièrement mais va peut être se rattraper avec cette version du jeu ;) (du moins je l'espère)

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 04 févr. 2016, 19:57
par Samchun
Basara a écrit :Le début de la fin
Pour une fois qu'un duff dit qq chose de sensé

Re: Du nouveau pour urban terror HD !

Posté : 05 févr. 2016, 03:03
par mirage
FS ils sont tellement rapide sur le dev du jeu que l'EDF elle a eu le temps de gagner 3x la NC, de faire plus de 100 apéros sur Tinychat, et Apple a sortir plus de 4 iphones differents ahah
gros vous forcez tellement à vouloir faire un jeu de qualité que le jour où il va sortir il restera 50 joueurs à peine qui joueront sur des serveurs face à des bots à la negev. La génération 4.1 à piqué v'la les années pour voir sortir la 4.2, pour au final qu'on nous lache la sortis de la hd, un Tp remasteriser et depuis ce jour ils se font des kif avec les maj 4.2.(1 2 3 4 5..) et maintenant c'est Bientot vois pas l'intérêt franchement. J'attends le jour où un nouveau truc sera sur le plat pour qu'ils nous sorte la HD 2.0 2.1...