//// ______________________________________________________________________ ////| | ////| UrbanTerror 4.1 config | ////|======================================================================| ////| Lines starting with "set" has GUI option in-game | ////| Lines starting with "seta" has no GUI option in-game | ////| Lines starting with "vstr" activates a script/macro | ////| | ////| Comments without symbols are options available to all builds | ////| Comments with * are ioUrt 4.1 options | ////| Comments with ! are latest ioQ3 build options (not ioUrT 4.1!) | ////| Comments with @ are Ikalizer build options | ////| Comments with ? are Optimized build options | ////| | ////| Cvar value type: | ////| int - integer numeric value | ////| float - floating point numeric value, e.g.: "1.2345" | ////| str - string string value, e.g.: "echo hello" | ////| rgb - red green blue value in either int or float, use spaces or | ////| comma as seperator, e.g.: "1,0.4,0" or "255 102 0" | ////| rgba - same as rgb but includes alpha channel (float), e.g.: | ////| "255,102,0,0.8" or "1 0.4 0 1.0" | ////| hex - hexadecimal value, e.g.: "0x01" | ////| | ////| Cvar description [ type | range | default ] | ////|______________________________________________________________________| ///exec cf.player.cfg ///>_______________________________________________________________________< ///> Player settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< /// name // Set Playername [str|def="New_UrT_Player"] seta cf.name10 "name ^4Just^1*^7F!re ;set cf.name vstr cf.name11; name" seta cf.name11 "name ^7F^1!^7re ;set cf.name vstr cf.name12; name" seta cf.name12 "name ^2Africa^3Child^1Soldier ;set cf.name vstr cf.name10; name" seta cf.name20 "name ^8|^7it^8|^1nexu ;set cf.name vstr cf.name21; name" seta cf.name21 "name ^1ne^8x^1u ;set cf.name vstr cf.name22; name" seta cf.name22 "name ^3cra^1Z^3ian ;set cf.name vstr cf.name20; name" seta cf.name "vstr cf.name20" vstr cf.name set cg_rgb "0.7,0.9,0" // Personal color/armband [rgb|def=128 128 128] set racered "2" // Red team skin [0=sarah,1=misu,2=rafiq,3=denzel|def=2] set raceblue "3" // Blue team skin [0=adala,1=carla,2=tom,3=takeshi|def=2] seta funred "" // Red team funstuff [str] seta funblue "" // Blue team funstuff [str] ///exec cf.system.cfg ///>_______________________________________________________________________< ///> System settings -- Graphics ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< /// r_customwidth // Custom video resolution width [int|def=1600] /// r_customheight // Custom video resolution height [int|def=1024] /// r_mode // Video resolution mode [int|-1=custom,1..|def=4] seta cf.fullscreenres "r_mode -1; r_customwidth 1680; r_customheight 1050" seta cf.fullscreen "vstr cf.fullscreenres; r_fullscreen 1" seta cf.windowres "r_mode -1; r_customwidth 1610; r_customheight 1004" seta cf.window "vstr cf.windowres; r_fullscreen 0" vstr cf.window // default, change to cf.fullscreen if you prefer set r_colorbits "32" // Color depth [0=desktop,16,32|def=32] set r_picmip "2" // Texture detail [0=high,1=normal,2=low|def=1] set r_texturebits "32" // Texture quality [0=desktop,16,32|def=32] set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" // Texture filter mode [GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST=Bilinear, // GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR=Trilinear| // def=GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST] set r_ext_compressed_textures "1" // Compress textures [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set r_displayrefresh "0" // Refreshrate [int|0=default,60..|def=0] set com_maxfps "125" // Max frames/second [int|..125|def=85] set r_swapinterval "0" // Vertical sync [0=off,1=on|def=0] set r_gamma "1.95" // Brightness [float|0..3|def=1] ///--(hidden)------------------------------------- seta r_customaspect "1" // Custom aspect ratio to use when in r_mode -1 [def=1] seta r_vertexLight "0" // Vertex lighting which is faster [locked] seta r_finish "0" // Sync every frame, may improve input response [0=off,1=on|def=0] seta r_depthbits "0" // Precision for the Z-buffer depth [0=desktop,16,24,32|def=0] seta cg_shadows "0" // Draw shadows on certain entities [locked] seta r_stencilbits "0" // Bits to use for the stencil buffer [0,8|def=0] seta r_detailtextures "0" // Enable detail shader stages [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_ext_multisample "0" //!Enable multisample anti-aliasing [0=off,1..4|def=0] seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" //*Enable anisotropic texture filter [0=off,1=on|def=0] seta r_ext_max_anisotropy "4" //*Set anisotropy filter level [int|0..16|def=2] seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" // Use the GL_TEXTURE_ENV_ADD extenstion [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" // Use the Compiled Vertex Arrray GL extension [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_ext_multitexture "1" // Use the ARB multi-texture extention [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" // Use the GAMMA extension [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_allowExtensions "1" // Enable OPENGL extensions [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta r_ignorehwgamma "0" // Ignore hardware gamma and use the texture method of gamma adjustment [0=off,1=on|def=0] seta r_roundImagesDown "1" // Set rounding down amount [int|def=1] seta r_GLlibCoolDownMsec "0" //*Wait for a number of milliseconds to close GL library [int|0..|def=0] seta r_allowResize "0" //!Make window resizable (SDL only) [0=off,1=on] seta r_centerWindow "0" //!Start window in the middel of screen (SDL only) [0=off,1=on] seta r_noborder "0" //!Remove window decoration [0=off,1=on] ///> System settings -- Sound ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set s_volume "2.0" // Effects volume [float|0..2|def=0.8] (cf.s_volume) set s_musicvolume "0.0" // Music volume [float|0..1|def=0.25] set s_khz "22" // Quality [11,22|def=22] set s_doppler "1" // Doppler sound effect [0=off,1=on|def=1] ///--(hidden)------------------------------------- seta s_mixPreStep "0.05" // Set prefetching of sound [float|def=0.05] seta s_mixahead "0.2" // Delay before mixing sound samples [float|def=0.2] seta s_useopenal "0" //*Use the OpenAL sound backend [0=off,1=on|def=0] /// s_alPrecache //!Cache OpenAL sounds before use [0=off,1=on] /// s_alGain //!The value of AL_GAIN for each source [float] /// s_alSources //!The total number of sources (memory) to allocate [int] /// s_alDopplerFactor //!The value passed to alDopplerFactor() [float] /// s_alDopplerSpeed //!The value passed to alDopplerVelocity() [float] /// s_alMinDistance //!The value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE for each source [float] /// s_alRolloff //!The value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR for each source [float] /// s_alMaxSpeakerDistance //!ET_SPEAKERS beyond this distance are culled [float] /// s_alDriver //!Which OpenAL library to use [str] /// s_sdlBits "16" //!SDL bit resolution [int] /// s_sdlSpeed "0" //!SDL sample rate [int] /// s_sdlChannels "2" //!SDL number of channel [int] /// s_sdlDevSamps "0" //!SDL DMA buffer size override [int] /// s_sdlMixSamps "0" //!SDL mix buffer size override [int] seta s_useikalizer "1" //@Use the Ikalizer sound backend [0=off,1=on] seta s_samChannelMode "0x26" //@Audio channel mode [hex|20,21,22,23,24,25,26,40,60,61] seta s_samVoiceCount "64" //@Voice channels [int] seta s_samMaxUsage "-1" //@Total allowed CPU usage [int|0=off, 1..30] seta s_samSamplingRate "48000" //@Sampling kHz [22050,24000,32000,44100,48000] seta s_samEnableSMP "1" //@Enable use of SMP architecture [0=off,1=on] seta s_samMemoryAlloc "96" //@Memory to reservate [int] seta s_muteWhenUnfocused "0" //!Mutes game sounds window does not have focus [0=off,1=on] seta s_muteWhenMinimized "1" //!Mutes game sounds window is minimized [0=off,1=on] ///> System settings -- Network ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< /// see the url: http://www.funender.com/quake/console/q3connection.html set rate "12500" // Max datarate B/s [int|8000..25000|def=8000] set cl_maxpackets "42" // Max packets to server [int|30..42|def=30] set cl_packetdup "1" // Duplicate packets [1=double,2=triple|def=1] set ut_timenudge "0" // Local net buffer(ms) [int|0..30|def=0] ///--(hidden)------------------------------------- seta snaps "20" // Number of snapshots the client receive per second [locked] ///> System settings (hidden) ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< seta com_hunkmegs "384" // Amount of memory to reserve for game play/ded server [int|def=256] seta com_soundMegs "32" // Can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more than 64mb of memory [int|def=8] seta com_zonemegs "48" // Can be adjusted to provide better performance on systems with more than 64mb of memory [int|def=24] seta win_fastmodechange "1" //*Allow window mode change without map reloading [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta cl_altTab "1" //*Allow ALT-TAB to change window focus from game [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta cl_altTabMinimize "0" //!Minimize window when using ALT-TAB [0=off,1=on] seta cl_nologo "1" //?Hides the start-up logo video [0=no,1=yes] seta cl_aviFrameRate "50" //*Framerate to use when capturing video [int|def=25] seta cl_aviMotionJpeg "1" //*Use the mjpeg codec when capturing video [0=off,1=on|def=1] seta cl_useMumble "1" //!Enable positional audio with Mumble [0=off,1=on] seta cl_mumbleScale "0.0254" //!Mumble positioning scale value [float] seta ttycon_ansicolor "1" //!Enable the addition of ANSI escape codes for colors in the tty [0=off,1=on] //exec cf.options.cfg ///>_______________________________________________________________________< ///> Options -- General Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set cg_drawfps "1" // Draw FPS [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_drawtimer "1" // Show timer [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_lagometer "1" // Show netgraph [0=no,1=yes|def=1] /// cg_fov // Field of view [int|90..110|def=90] vstr cf.+fov // FOV toggle default: [+fov,-fov] set cg_nvg "3" // Tac goggles color [int|0..7|def=0] set cg_speedo "0" // Show speed [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set cg_sfxBreathing "1" // Breathing sounds [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_autoscreenshot "2" // Auto screenshots [0=no,1=always,2=matchmode|def=0] set cg_autorecordmatch "1" // Auto record matchmode [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cl_autodownload "1" //*Auto download [0=no,1=yes|def=1] ///--(hidden)------------------------------------- set cl_autoRecordDemo "0" //*Record a new demo on each map change [0=no,1=yes|def=0] seta cl_recordfontsize "8" //?Font for "recording" [int] //[ field of view toggle ] seta cf.-fovcrosshair "cg_drawcrosshair 11; cg_crosshairsize 2" seta cf.-fovhands "cg_drawhands 0" seta cf.-fovsens "sensitivity 0.970" seta cf.-fov "cg_fov 90; vstr cf.-fovcrosshair; vstr cf.-fovhands; vstr cf.-fovsens" seta cf.+fovcrosshair "cg_drawcrosshair 8; cg_crosshairsize 16" seta cf.+fovhands "cg_drawhands 1" seta cf.+fovsens "sensitivity 0.935" seta cf.+fov "cg_fov 110; vstr cf.+fovcrosshair; vstr cf.+fovhands; vstr cf.+fovsens" ///> Options -- Crosshair Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< /// cg_drawcrosshair // Crosshairtype [int|def=4] /// cg_crosshairRGB // Crosshaircolor [rgba|def=1 0.4 0 1] /// cg_crosshairfriendRGB // Crosshaircolor friendly [rgba|def=1 0 0 1] /// cg_scopeRGB // Scopecolor [rgba|def=0 0 0 1] /// cg_scopefriendRGB // Scopecolor friendly [rgba|def=1 0 0 1] vstr cf.cross_cyan // Crosshair color toggle: cross_[red,green,blue,yellow,cyan,magenta,white,black] /// cg_crosshairsize // Crosshairsize [int|def=20] set cg_scopering "1" // Show scope accuracy [0=no,1=yes|def=2] set cg_scopeG36 "2" // G36 scopetype: [0=cross,1=cross2,2=T-shape,3=dot|def=0] set cg_scopePSG "3" // PSG-1 scopetype: [0=cross,1=cross2,2=T-shape,3=dot|def=0] set cg_scopeSR8 "3" // SR8 scopetype: [0=cross,1=cross2,2=T-shape,3=dot|def=0] ///--------------------------------------------- //[ crosshair color toggle ] seta cf.cross_red "cg_crosshairrgb 1,0,0,1; cg_scopergb 1,0,0,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_green" seta cf.cross_green "cg_crosshairrgb 0,1,0,1; cg_scopergb 0,1,0,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_blue" seta cf.cross_blue "cg_crosshairrgb 0,0,1,1; cg_scopergb 0,0,1,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_yellow" seta cf.cross_yellow "cg_crosshairrgb 1,1,0,1; cg_scopergb 1,1,0,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_cyan" seta cf.cross_cyan "cg_crosshairrgb 0,1,1,1; cg_scopergb 0,1,1,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_magenta" seta cf.cross_magenta "cg_crosshairrgb 1,0,1,1; cg_scopergb 1,0,1,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_white" seta cf.cross_white "cg_crosshairrgb 1,1,1,1; cg_scopergb 1,1,1,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_black" seta cf.cross_black "cg_crosshairrgb 0,0,0,1; cg_scopergb 0,0,0,1; set cf.crosshaircolor vstr cf.cross_red" ///> Options -- Minimap Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set cg_maptoggle "1" // Minimap [0=off,1=on|def=1] set cg_mappos "4" // Minimap position [int|1..11|def=1] (counter-clockwise) set cg_mapsize "210" // Minimap size [int|def=150] set cg_mapalpha "0.67" // Minimap alpha [float|0..1|def=0.7] set cg_maparrowscale "2.0" // Minimap arrow scale [float|def=3.0] vstr cf.maptoggle // Set minimap toggle default ///> Options -- Team Info Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set cg_drawteamoverlay "2" // Team status list [0=None,1=All,2=Normal,3=Brief|def=1] set cg_drawteamoverlayscores "1" // Show individual scores [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1" // Show teammate info on aim [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_crosshairnamestype "1" // Location of info: [0=bottom-scr,1=above-pl,2=below-ch,3=above-ch|def=3] set cg_crosshairnamessize "0.20" // Size of info [float|0..1|def=0.3] set cg_drawteamscores "1" // Show team scores [0=no,1=yes|def=1] ///> Options -- Blood Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set com_blood "1" // Enable blood [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_sfxShowDamage "1" // Show wounds [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_visibleBleeding "1" // Show bleeding [0=no,1=yes|def=1] ///> Options -- Bullet Impact Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< set cg_sfxSurfaceImpacts "1" // Smoke FX on impact [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_sfxParticles "0" // More FX on impact [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_marktotaltime "20000" // Leave marks: [int|0=off|def=5000] set cg_hitsound "1" // Hitsounds [0=no,1=yes|def=0] ///> Options -- Chat Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< seta cg_standardChat "0" // old chat style [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set cg_teamchatsonly "0" // Teamchats only [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set cg_chatTime "10000" // Chat time(ms) [int|def=4000] set cg_chatHeight "6" // Chat lines [int|1..8|def=4] set cg_msgTime "8000" // Message time(ms) [int|def=4000] seta cg_msgHeight "8" // Message lines on top [int|1..8|def=4] set cg_novoicechats "0" // Disable radio sounds [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set cg_autoradio "1" // Auto radio [0=No,1=All,2=All+NoGrenade|def=0] ///> Options -- Gun Settings ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< /// cg_drawhands // Show gun [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_gunsize "1" // Smaller gun [0=no,1=yes|def=0] set cg_showbullethits "2" // Hitting info [0=None,1=Normal,2=All|def=2] set cg_hudweaponinfo "2" // Weapon info [0=Icon, 1=Text, 2=Icon+Text|def=2] set r_dynamiclight "1" // Dynamic light [0=no,1=yes|def=1] set cg_sfxbrasstime "25000" // Leave brass(ms) [int|def=5000] seta cg_zoomWrap "0" // Wrap scope zooming behavior [0=no,1=yes|def=1] ///> Options (hidden) ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< seta cg_bobroll "0.000" // bobroll [float|-1..1|def=0] seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "5" // Delay at which the camera orbits around the player [int|def=50] seta cg_draw2D "1" // show 2D hug elements [0=no,1=yes|def=1] seta cg_viewsize "100" // visible viewport [int|30..100|def=100] seta cl_drawclock "1" //*show real time clock [0=no,1=yes|def=0] seta cl_drawclock12 "0" //?show AM/PM clock [0=no,1=yes|def=0] seta cl_drawclockposx "2" //? seta cl_drawclockposy "42" //? seta cl_drawclockfontsize "5" //? seta cl_drawclockcolor "7" //? seta cl_drawclockshowseconds "0" //? seta cl_drawclockalarm24 "0" //? seta cl_drawclockalarmcmd "play music/mainmenu" //? seta cl_stopwatch "0" //? seta cl_stopwatchsize "12" //? seta cl_stopwatchposx "8" //? seta cl_stopwatchposy "23" //? //exec cf.controls.cfg ///>_______________________________________________________________________< ///> Controls (hidden) ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< unbindall // remove all key bindings seta cl_freelook "1" // mouse look [0=no,1=yes|def=1] seta cl_mouseAccel "0" // mouse acceleration [0=no,1=yes|def=0] seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0" //!mouse accel style seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5" //!mouse accel offset seta cl_pitchspeed "140" // Set the pitch rate for +lookup and/or +lookdown [int|def=140] seta cl_yawspeed "140" // Set the yaw rate for +left and/or +right [int|def=140] seta in_mouse "1" // mouse input api: [1=direct input,-1=raw|def=1] seta cl_platformSensitivity "1.0" //*Indicates the mouse input scaling [float|def=1] seta in_disablemacosxmouseaccel "1" //!Disable mouse acc when running OSX [0=no,1=yes] seta m_forward "0.25" // Set the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves [float|def=0.25] seta m_side "0.25" // Set the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves [float|def=0.25] seta in_joystick "0" seta in_joystickNo "0" //!Select which joystick to use seta in_joyBallScale "0.02" seta in_joystickThreshold "0.15" seta cl_consoleKeys "~ ` 0x7e 0x60" //!Space delimited list of key names or characters that toggle the console [str|def="~ ` 0x7e 0x60"] bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind PRINT "screenshotjpeg" // take a JPEG screenshot bind SCROLLOCK "vstr record_demo" // record a network demo /// GTV bind F9 "gtv_status" bind F10 "gtv_playerlist" /// Misc bind o "+vstr cf.+nvg cf.-nvg" // nvg color shade toggle [toggle+mwheel] bind i "vstr cf.crosshaircolor" // crosshair color toggle bind 5 "+vstr cf.+volume cf.-volume" // select audio volume level [toggle+mwheel] bind / "+vstr cf.+volume cf.-volume" // select audio volume level [toggle+mwheel] //[ volume selector ] seta cf.volume+ "" seta cf.volume- "" seta cf.mwheelmodevolume "set cf.MWHEELUP vstr cf.volume+; set cf.MWHEELDOWN vstr cf.volume-; set cf.mwheelmode vstr cf.mwheelmodevolume" seta cf.s_volume0 "s_volume 0.000; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^8||||||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume1; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume1" seta cf.s_volume1 "s_volume 0.200; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^3|^8|||||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume2; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume2; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume0" seta cf.s_volume2 "s_volume 0.400; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^3||^8||||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume3; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume3; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume1" seta cf.s_volume3 "s_volume 0.600; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^3|||^8|||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume4; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume4; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume2" seta cf.s_volume4 "s_volume 0.800; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^2||||^8||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume5; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume5; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume3" seta cf.s_volume5 "s_volume 1.000; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^2|||||^8|||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume6; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume6; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume4" seta cf.s_volume6 "s_volume 1.200; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^2||||||^8||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume7; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume7; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume5" seta cf.s_volume7 "s_volume 1.400; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^2|||||||^8|||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume8; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume8; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume6" seta cf.s_volume8 "s_volume 1.600; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^2||||||||^8||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume9; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volume9; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume7" seta cf.s_volume9 "s_volume 1.800; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^1|||||||||^8|^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volumeA; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volumeA; seta cf.volume- vstr cf.s_volume8" seta cf.s_volumeA "s_volume 2.000; ut_echo ^4AUDIO^7volume ^4[-^1||||||||||^4-]; seta cf.s_volume vstr cf.s_volume0; seta cf.volume+ vstr cf.s_volumeA" seta cf.s_volume "vstr cf.s_volume5" seta cf.+volume "vstr cf.s_volume; vstr cf.mwheelmodevolume" seta cf.-volume "vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" vstr cf.s_volumeA // sets volume to max if available //[ Night Vision Goggles color selector ] //// prefable colors for visibility: //// purple, cyan, pink, yellow, orange, green, red, blue seta cf.mwheelmodenvgcolor "set cf.MWHEELUP vstr cf.nvg+; set cf.MWHEELDOWN vstr cf.nvg-; set cf.mwheelmode vstr cf.mwheelmodenvgcolor" seta cf.nvg5 "cg_nvg 5; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg4; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg5; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg2; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg4; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^6purple" seta cf.nvg4 "cg_nvg 4; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg6; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg4; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg5; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg6; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^5cyan" seta cf.nvg6 "cg_nvg 6; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg3; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg6; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg4; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg3; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^1pink" seta cf.nvg3 "cg_nvg 3; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg7; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg3; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg6; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg7; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^3yellow" seta cf.nvg7 "cg_nvg 7; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg0; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg7; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg3; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg0; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^3orange" seta cf.nvg0 "cg_nvg 0; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg1; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg0; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg7; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg1; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^2green" seta cf.nvg1 "cg_nvg 1; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg2; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg1; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg0; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg2; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^1red" seta cf.nvg2 "cg_nvg 2; set cf.nvg vstr cf.nvg5; set cf.nvg! vstr cf.nvg2; set cf.nvg- vstr cf.nvg1; set cf.nvg+ vstr cf.nvg5; ut_echo ^2oo ^5----- ^7NVG shade^1:^2: ^4blue" seta cf.nvg "vstr cf.nvg5" seta cf.+nvg "vstr cf.nvg; vstr cf.mwheelmodenvgcolor" seta cf.-nvg "vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" vstr cf.nvg4 // sets nvg shade default color //[ demo recording toggle ] seta record_demo "vstr record_demo_start" seta record_demo_start "set record_demo vstr record_demo_stop; stoprecord; recorddemo" seta record_demo_stop "set record_demo vstr record_demo_start; stoprecord" ///> Controls -- look ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< bind MOUSE4 "vstr cf.zoom" // zoom weapon [toggle] bind MWHEELUP "vstr cf.MWHEELUP" // zoom weapon in/primary/he-nade [toggle x3] bind MWHEELDOWN "vstr cf.MWHEELDOWN" // zoom weapon out/sidearm & secondary/smoke-nade [toggle x3] bind MOUSE5 "vstr cf.cancelling" // zoom reset + safe nade cancelling vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap // default mode for: mwheelmode[weap,zoom,nade] bind b "vstr cf.maptoggle; vstr cf.sfx_drip2" // map display mode [toggle] vstr cf.mapsmall // mode toggle default: [mapsmall, maplarge] ///--(hidden)----------------------------------------- seta cf.cancelling "vstr cf.zoomreset; vstr cf.weapknife; vstr cf.weappri" //[ zoom/fov- toggle ] seta cf.zoomin "vstr cf.-fov; ut_zoomin; vstr cf.+speed; set cf.zoom vstr cf.zoomout; vstr cf.mwheelmodezoom" seta cf.zoomout "vstr cf.+fov; ut_zoomout; vstr cf.+speed; set cf.zoom vstr cf.zoomin; vstr cf.mwheelmode" seta cf.zoomreset "vstr cf.+fov; ut_zoomreset; vstr cf.-speed; set cf.zoom vstr cf.zoomin; vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" seta cf.zoom "vstr cf.zoomin" //[ zoom/weapon/nade mousewheel toggle ] seta cf.mwheelmodezoom "set cf.MWHEELUP vstr cf.zoomin; set cf.MWHEELDOWN vstr cf.zoomout; set cf.mwheelmode vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" seta cf.mwheelmodeweap "set cf.MWHEELUP vstr cf.weappri; set cf.MWHEELDOWN vstr cf.weapsidearm; set cf.mwheelmode vstr cf.mwheelmodezoom" seta cf.mwheelmodenade "set cf.MWHEELUP vstr cf.weapnadehe; set cf.MWHEELDOWN vstr cf.weapnadesmoke; set cf.mwheelmode vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" seta cf.mwheelmode "vstr cf.mwheelmodezoom" //[ map display mode toggle ] set cf.mapsmall "cg_mappos 4; cg_mapsize 210; cg_maparrowscale 2.0; cg_mapalpha 0.67; set cf.maptoggle vstr cf.maplarge" set cf.maplarge "cg_mappos 1; cg_mapsize 400; cg_maparrowscale 1.6; cg_mapalpha 0.85; set cf.maptoggle vstr cf.mapsmall" set cf.maptoggle "vstr cf.maplarge" ///> Controls -- move ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< seta cl_run "1" // always run [0=no,1=yes] bind SHIFT "vstr cf.speed" // run / walk [toggle] bind w "+forward" // forward bind a "+moveleft" // backpedal bind s "+back" // move left bind d "+moveright" // move right bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" // jump bind ALT "+vstr cf.+movedown cf.-movedown" // crouch [h-toggle] bind SPACE "+vstr cf.+button8 cf.-button8" // sprint [h-toggle] ///--(hidden)----------------------------------------- //[ walk toggle ] seta cf.+speed "vstr cf.-button8; +speed; set cf.speed vstr cf.-speed; ut_echo ^7>^4>>^7 Walk >>^4>>" seta cf.-speed " -speed; set cf.speed vstr cf.+speed" seta cf.speed "vstr cf.+speed" //[ crouch toggle ] seta cf.+movedown "+movedown; vstr cf.msgbankcrouch; set cf.movedown vstr cf.-movedown" seta cf.-movedown "-movedown; vstr cf.msgbanknormal; set cf.movedown vstr cf.+movedown" seta cf.movedown "vstr cf.+movedown" //[ sprint toggle ] seta cf.+button8 "vstr cf.-movedown; vstr cf.-speed; +button8; vstr cf.msgbanksprint; set cf.button8 vstr cf.-button8" seta cf.-button8 " -button8; vstr cf.msgbanknormal; set cf.button8 vstr cf.+button8" seta cf.button8 "vstr cf.+button8" ///> Controls -- shoot ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< bind MOUSE1 "+attack" // attack bind r "+button5" // reload bind t "vstr cf.weapmode" // weapon mode /// "weapprev" // previous weapon /// "weapnext" // next weapon bind CTRL "ut_weapdrop" // drop weapon ///--(hidden)----------------------------------------- bind q "vstr cf.weapknife" // knife [toggle] bind e "+vstr cf.+weapnade cf.-weapnade" // grenades [mwheel/toggle] bind MWHEELUP "vstr cf.MWHEELUP" // zoom-in/primary and secondary bind MWHEELDOWN "vstr cf.MWHEELDOWN" // zoom-out/sidearm bind 4 "ut_weaptoggle bomb; ut_itemdrop flag" // select bomb / drop flag seta cf.weapmode "+button3; vstr cf.sfxc2; -button3" //[ weapon knife toggle ] seta cf.weapknifeslash "ut_weaptoggle knife; set cf.weapknife vstr cf.weapknifethrow; set cf.weap vstr cf.weapknifeslash" seta cf.weapknifethrow "ut_weaptoggle knife; wait 4; +button3;-button3; set cf.weapknife vstr cf.weapknifeslash; set cf.weap vstr cf.weapknifethrow" seta cf.weapknife "vstr cf.weapknifeslash" //[ weapon sidearm toggle ] seta cf.weapsidearm1 "ut_weaptoggle sidearm; set cf.weapsidearm vstr cf.weapsidearm2; set cf.weap vstr cf.weapsidearm1" seta cf.weapsidearm2 "ut_weaptoggle secondary; set cf.weapsidearm vstr cf.weapsidearm1; set cf.weap vstr cf.weapsidearm2" seta cf.weapsidearm "vstr cf.weapsidearm1" //[ weapon primary toggle ] seta cf.weappri "ut_weaptoggle primary; set cf.weapsidearm vstr cf.weapsidearm1" //[ weapon grenade toggle ] seta cf.+weapnade "vstr cf.weapnadedefault" seta cf.-weapnade "vstr cf.mwheelmodeweap" seta cf.weapnadedefault "ut_weaptoggle grenade; vstr cf.mwheelmodenade" seta cf.weapnadehe "weapon 11; set cf.weapnade vstr cf.weapnadehe; vstr cf.mwheelmodenade" seta cf.weapnadesmoke "weapon 13; set cf.weapnade vstr cf.weapnadesmoke; vstr cf.mwheelmodenade" ///> Controls -- misc ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< bind TAB "vstr cf.scores" // show scores toggle bind MOUSE3 "+button6" // bandage bind f "+button7" // (def)use / doors bind BACKSPACE "ui_selectteam" // team select menu bind ENTER "ui_selectgear" // gear select menu bind g "ut_itemnext" // next item //// "ut_itemprev" // prev item bind v "ut_itemdrop" // drop item bind c "ut_itemuse" // use item /// sensitivity // mouse sensitivity seta m_pitch "0.012" // mouse sensitivity vertical ratio seta m_yaw "0.022" // mouse sensitivity horizontal ratio /// = invert mouse set m_filter "0" // smooth mouse [0=no,1=yes] ///--(hidden)----------------------------------------- bind [ "team red" // join red team bind ] "team blue" // join blue team bind \ "team spectator" // move to spectator bind ' "sub" // team sub (matchmode) bind SEMICOLON "ready" // become team captain / ready team (matchmode) bind PAUSE "timeout" // call a time out (matchmode) bind z "ut_itemdrop kevlar" // drop kevlar vest bind x "ut_itemdrop medkit" // drop medkit bind INS "gear GcAAURW; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 0; ut_echo ^8[^1 Negev DE ^8|^7 silencer kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Negev Rape Artist" bind DEL "gear GZIARWA; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 1; ut_echo ^8[^1 SR8 MP5 DE ^8|^7 kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Call 1-800-SUCKATSR8" bind HOME "gear GaAORWA; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 1; ut_echo ^8[^1 AK DE ^8|^7 HE kevlar helmet ^8]^3 African Child Soldier" bind END "gear GMAAURW; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 1; ut_echo ^8[^1 G36 DE ^8|^7 silencer kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Tactical Camp Ops" bind PGUP "gear GeAOVWA; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 0; ut_echo ^8[^1 M4 DE ^8|^7 HE laser helmet ^8]^3 Republic of China Bunny Hopping Army" bind PGDN "gear GLAAVRW; set cf.+fovhands cg_drawhands 0; ut_echo ^8[^1 LR300 DE ^8|^7 laser kevlar helmet ^8]^3 Oldskool UrbanTerror Pwner" //[ show scores toggle ] seta cf.+scores "+scores; set cf.scores vstr cf.-scores" seta cf.-scores "-scores; set cf.scores vstr cf.+scores" seta cf.scores "vstr cf.+scores" ///> Controls -- chat ///>-----------------------------------------------------------------------< bind - "messagemode" // chat bind = "messagemode2" // team chat bind 0 "messagemode3" // target chat bind h "ui_radio" // radio menu ///--(hidden)----------------------------------------- bind 1 "vstr cf.msgbank1" // radio toggle: medic related bind 2 "vstr cf.msgbank2" // radio toggle: enemy related bind 3 "vstr cf.msgbank3" // radio toggle: attack related bind y "ut_radio 1 1" // Radio: Affirmative bind n "ut_radio 1 2" // Radio: Negative bind j "ut_radio lol; say :]" // Radio: Hahaha bind k "ut_radio 4 8" // Radio: Who's your daddy! bind l "ut_radio 9 7" // Radio: Ow, you idiot! bind F1 "ut_radio 9 9" // Radio: Thanks bind F2 "ut_radio 9 6" // Radio: No problem bind F3 "ut_radio 9 4" // Radio: Sorry about that bind F4 "ut_radio 9 2; say_team Nice one :]" bind F5 "ut_radio 4 1; say_team ^3Status?" bind F11 "vote yes" bind F12 "vote no" bind LEFTARROW "vstr cf.tmsgbank1" bind DOWNARROW "vstr cf.tmsgbank2" bind RIGHTARROW "vstr cf.tmsgbank3" bind UPARROW "vstr cf.tmsgbank4" //[ radio bank toggle ] seta cf.radio45 "ut_radio 4 5 ^4medic ^7[^1+^7]^3$health^7[^1+^7]" seta cf.radio16 "ut_radio 1 6 ^7[^1+^7]^7[^1+^7] ^4$crosshair^7 <<" seta cf.radio33 "ut_radio 3 3 ^4medic ^7[^1+^7]^1$health^7[^1+^7] ^4medic" seta cf.radio51 "ut_radio 5 1 ^7[^3!^1enemy^3!^7] ^7$crosshair" seta cf.radio55 "ut_radio 5 5 ^1!!! ^7incoming!; say_team ^1!!! ^7incoming!" seta cf.radio36 "ut_radio 3 6 I'm attacking ^7>>^1 $crosshair" seta cf.radio21 "ut_radio 2 1 ^2>>^7Go^2Go^7Go ^1ATTACK!^7!^8!" seta cf.radio39 "ut_radio 3 9 ^7[^2i^7] ^4Position secured" seta cf.msgbanknormal "set cf.msgbank1 vstr cf.radio45; set cf.msgbank2 vstr cf.radio51; set cf.msgbank3 vstr cf.radio21" // normal seta cf.msgbanksprint "set cf.msgbank1 vstr cf.radio16; set cf.msgbank2 vstr cf.radio55; set cf.msgbank3 vstr cf.radio36" // sprint seta cf.msgbankcrouch "set cf.msgbank1 vstr cf.radio33; set cf.msgbank2 vstr cf.radio51; set cf.msgbank3 vstr cf.radio39" // crouch vstr cf.msgbanknormal ///------------------------------------------------- //[ Sound effects macros ] seta cf.sfxc1 "play sound\misc\menu1" seta cf.sfxc2 "play sound\misc\menu2" seta cf.sfxc3 "play sound\misc\menu3" seta cf.sfxc4 "play sound\misc\menu4" seta cf.sfxc5 "play sound\misc\kcaction" seta cf.sfxc6 "play sound\bomb\bomb_hit_floor_1" seta cf.sfxc7 "play sound\bomb\bomb_hit_floor_2" seta cf.sfxc8 "play sound\items\laseronoff" seta cf.sfxc9 "play sound\items\use_medkit" seta cf.sfx_tick1 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\concrete2" seta cf.sfx_tick2 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\gravel2" seta cf.sfx_tick3 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\gravel3" seta cf.sfx_tick4 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\wood2" seta cf.sfx_tick5 "play sound\surfaces\bullets\glass1" seta cf.sfx_drip1 "play sound\bbqmine\drip1" seta cf.sfx_drip2 "play sound\bbqmine\drip2" seta cf.sfx_drip3 "play sound\bbqmine\drip3" ///------------------------------------------------- echo "^8[^3name^8]^5 Nexu's config for UrbanTerror 4.1" echo "^8[^3version^8]^5 2.0b" echo "^8[^3date^8]^5 01.06.2010"